I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). The word order in the Greek text of this beatitude is different than all the others. The Greek text begins with “hoti,” translated for. It is causative and gives the reason for the congratulations. “They” is the second word translated from the Greek word “autos.” It is in the nominative case meaning it is the subject of the statement. It is an intensive pronoun giving stress and emphasis to the peacemakers, the antecedent of they.
The third Greek word is “huios” and is translated sons. It is also in the nominative case meaning it is the subject of the statement. This may mean sons is the antecedent of the pronoun, they. There is a double emphasis on sons. God (theos) is the next word. It is in the genitive, which establishes relationship with sons. The verb is shall be called translated from “kaleo.” It is indicative meaning a simple statement of fact with no argument. At the end of this verb the pronoun they is indicated. This means the subject is suggested and stated three times. This statement might be translated: “Congratulations, peacemakers, for you yourselves are sons of God and shall be called this by God.” God places us as peacemakers in this honored position. We not only share in the fellowship of His life, but also are honored by the position He gives us. The peacemakers not only share in His life, which is the accomplished work of Jesus, but also they share in the process and method by which that accomplishment is achieved. I am a Jesus pusher!!!