I am a Jesus pusher!!! Persecution is something that each of us at some time or another has certainly thought was being bestowed on us. In school I wrote what I thought was an excellent paper only to have my teacher persecute me with a poor grade. In my insecurity I was sure a group of my peers were standing in the hall talking about me. That was persecution. My parents unfairly persecuted me every time they did not permit me to participate in certain activities. When I failed to get the desired job promotion I just knew the foreman was persecuting me. Over the years I have sensed persecution in the church. People simply do not recognize my true value and worth. In my opinion, my life is consistently plagued with persecution.
Then we come to our present study in Matthew (5:10-12). I am now having difficulty placing the things I have spoken of into Jesus’ description of persecution. In fact, I feel a little embarrassed. My many inconveniences do not seem to merit the title of persecution. Jesus said, “I am to be persecuted for righteousness’ sake.” This disqualifies every suffering spawned by stubbornness and selfishness. I wonder if I have ever experienced real persecution. I shrink into insignificance in comparison to the Apostle Paul who said, “From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). I absolutely have no right to complain about my meager sufferings. I have no marks! Jesus, forgive me! I am a Jesus pusher!!!