I am a Jesus pusher!!! The believer is an individual who is absolutely helpless. He consistently responds to Jesus and experiences God’s nature of meekness. He hungers and thirsts and is constantly being filled with mercy, purity, and peace. What do we call such a person? He is the kingdom of heaven, comforted, inheritor of the land, filled, one who experiences mercy, one who has a vision of God, a son of God, and again he is the kingdom of heaven.
If the cause of persecution is a state of righteousness then there is a “cause within the cause.” The ones who persecute are those who are not righteous. Obviously the righteous ones are not doing whatever is contained within persecution. As we walk through the Beatitudes, we see the evidence of this. The absolute destitute embrace the unlimited resource of Jesus and can do nothing but love. Those who are filled with the Comforter can do nothing but extend comfort. The meek ones extend concern and care. Those filled proclaim the location of fullness. Those dwelling in a state of mercy and purity share mercy and righteousness. The spirit of persecution is not the spirit of the kingdom of heaven! Therefore if you are a persecutor, you are not in the Kingdom. How could you embrace Jesus and persecute others? Jesus compels us in the Spirit of the Beatitudes, meekness, mercy, purity, and peace. We live in Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!