I am a Jesus pusher!!! The core values of the Kingdom of Heaven are the discussion of the Beatitudes. Mercy, pure in heart, and peacemakers are not valued in the kingdom of darkness (Matthew 5:7-9). Ruthlessness, domination, power, and the ability to master every situation for self-benefit are held supreme. Yet, everyone of this persuasion is soon brought to a position of crying for mercy. They define peace as the removal of conflict because they are superior. They live in the world of “what can I get by with” and “what can I get.” The heartbeat of purity brings forth integrity and honesty is polluted with greed and selfishness.
Jesus battled the devil in spiritual warfare for forty days and nights (Matthew 4:1-11). The final temptation climaxed in no tricks or manipulations. Evidently, the devil was willing to bargain with Jesus in order to survive. He took Jesus to an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. The Greek word “doxa,” translated glory refers to viewpoint and perspective. Jesus came to earth to establish a Kingdom. If Jesus could take over the kingdoms of the world, would He not rush to the opportunity?
In glee and delight, Satan pointed out all the wonders of his kingdoms. All the filth of sin, all the perversion of sexual desires, all the corruption of dishonesty and greed, all the destruction of addictions, and all the cancer of carnality were revealed. Jesus could have it all. He could be King over this domain. The devil thought this would allure Jesus, when in fact it repulsed Him. The values of the Kingdom of Heaven are completely opposite of the values of the kingdoms of the world. I want the values of Jesus! I am a Jesus pusher!!!