I am a Jesus pusher!! There are eight Beatitudes in all. The first one ends with the statement, “For theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). The eighth or last Beatitude says, “For theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10). These two statements are the same in words and grammar structure. This is an example of a literary device known as “inclusion.” It signals the beginning and the end of a section. This secures the Beatitude as a prologue to the Sermon on the Mount. It is a presentation of the theme, concept, or proposition of the sermon. Jesus will flesh out the structure He has presented in the Beatitudes. It implies that the Kingdom sums up all the other results listed in the second clauses of the Beatitudes.
It is important to note that the six Beatitudes sandwiched between the first and last are all in the future tense. The reality of the present tense Kingdom is presented in the first Beatitude; we are reminded of this present reality in the last Beatitude. In my state of helplessness, I am embraced by the unlimited resource of Jesus. We become the Kingdom in this union. This is present tense! In this present tense reality Jesus begins to manifest in my life all the resources of His person. As I mourn in response to His presence, I experience the Comforter. My physical existence takes on the shape of Jesus’ presence as I embrace Him. My mind marvels at the satisfaction of my hungering and thirsting. I experience mercy in an ever-unfolding reality. Jesus’ face becomes much clearer in my sight. I can hear His voice whispering softly in my ear, “You are my son.” These unfolding wonders exist in the kingdom of heaven. What a wonder to be the Kingdom of Heaven, embraced by Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!