I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). This is such a radical concept. The meek, gentle, and caring individual gives expression to the nature of Christ. This is contrasted with the haughty, proud, and domineering that give expression to the nature of the kingdom of darkness. Those in the Kingdom of Heaven embrace their physical world in a relational manner. In becoming one with the physical world, all the benefits of this world become theirs. The haughty and proud use the physical for selfish ends. They pollute their physical world with the darkness of their souls. While they value possessing physical things, those physical things never become one with them.
Hungering and thirsting for righteousness brings a filling. But the nature of such fulfilled desires establishes greater expansion. The filling creates a hunger for the potential of completion. It spurs one into the consistent unfolding of His revelation. This is contrasted with the hungering and thirsting of the kingdom of darkness that never produces filling. The more you eat, the more you lack. Unrighteousness diminishes a person’s heart capacity. What was satisfying yesterday cannot satisfy today. The void at the heart of life continually increases. What am I to do? Embracing our helplessness opens the door for His merger with our lives! We must become Kingdom people, filled with Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!