I am a Jesus pusher!!! We are not meek due to our own effort (Matthew 5:5). Our lives are filled with meekness because we experience His nature. As we live in Jesus, in the Kingdom’s embrace, we experience all He is. This is our posture. We experience our physical world from this position. We know the truth about our body and its desires. Jesus is our viewpoint.
The core of hungering and thirsting is found in the content of desire. For what do we hunger in the deep heart of our being? Our embrace of the Kingdom determines this. In experiencing Him, we hunger for Him only! Indeed, He fills us and fulfills us. In this filling we find new arenas of Him for which to hunger. He is consistently enlarging our capacity for Himself. He is our hunger and our filling. We find mercy in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:7). If the Kingdom of Heaven is His embrace, He is this mercy. Extending mercy to others is to extend Him. In the state of pure in heart, I see God (Matthew 5:8). Could it be that I am in a state of seeing God and have a pure heart? It is a Kingdom embrace. In oneness with Him my heart becomes pure. He is my purity! It is impossible to have peace and to impart it to others without His embrace. The nature of selfishness produces conflict and dissension within and without. Peace can only be defined as the presence of Jesus.
The values of the Kingdom of Heaven are not the values of the kingdoms of the world. How can they be? The values of the Kingdom of Heaven are found in who Jesus is. He is the King of the Kingdom. Therefore, the values of the Kingdom of Heaven are not many; they are one. They are the person of Jesus. In His embrace, I have His mind. In intimacy with Him, I care as He cares. In oneness with His Spirit, I contain His values. We become the Kingdom of Heaven. I am a Jesus pusher!!!