I am a Jesus pusher!!! Is the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus or is it the Word of God? What if they are the same? It is wonderful how often Jesus is referred to as the Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1). John refers to this Word as life and light (John 1:4), which is the Bible, but it is also the Person of Jesus! Are they the same? No! We worship Jesus; we do not worship a book. Jesus is the Second Member of the Trinity who became flesh. The Bible is not a member of the Trinity. Jesus is my Savior; the Bible is not my Savior. Jesus defeats the enemy in my life and joins me in becoming the Kingdom of God. It is not a book that accomplishes this.
However, there is a connection between Jesus and His Word. The Bible is an extension of His Person. We have consistently used the example of “your hand.” You are not a hand; yet, you have a hand. Your hand is a vital part of who you are and how you function; yet, you could cut off your hand and you would still be you. Jesus is not a book; yet, the words of this Book flow from His mouth and give instruction and life to me. This Book becomes a revelation of who He is, what He thinks, and His heart. I cannot know Him in intimacy without the truth of this Book. He speaks to me through prevenient grace, through nature, and through others. But those messages pale in light of the intimacy found in Jesus through His Word. His Word is pillow talk at night; it is the personal revealing of all He is. I want to know Him! I am a Jesus pusher!!!