I am a Jesus pusher!!! The fourth principle is proposed by Jesus regarding the Scriptures. It is “The Singular Judge of the Law.” It is foolish for any man to judge another man regarding the keeping of the Law. Perhaps a man might on occasion be qualified to judge regarding the accomplishment of an outward deed. But, if the Law requires the knowledge of the internal motive and spirit of man, no man is qualified. We must leave such judgment to God! My focus must be on Jesus not on comparing myself to others.
The fifth principle is “The Standard of the Law.” What does Jesus present as the standard for man’s living? Jesus does not excuse, rationalize, or compromise the standard. We are required to live up to the perfect Divine standard to which the Law points. However, the human heart cries, “This is impossible!” Therefore, God Himself provides fulfillment through Jesus! The One who demands righteousness is also the One who gives righteousness. The One who presents the Law is also the Source of redemption.
We come full circle in this first chapter of the Sermon on the Mount! We began “poor in spirit.” There is no hope in us; we can do nothing but “mourn.” But Jesus comes to embrace us; it is in the intimacy of His presence we become the Kingdom. The unobtainable righteousness of the Kingdom is found in us. Jesus is our righteousness. Jesus is all in all! I am a Jesus pusher!!!