I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus discusses with us how we function in our world. In regard to influence is it “doing” or “being?” He explains it in the imagery of “salt” and “light.” It is clear that neither one of these comes about in what we do. They are both natural states of being. There is no list of rules for being salt. There are no disciplines for producing light. We do not develop into salt; we do not gradually become light. Neither is what one does; both are who you are! Salt and light are the imagery of “being.”
This is certainly verified by the grammar of Jesus’ statements. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). He continues, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Each sentence begins with the Greek word “humeis;” it is a personal pronoun, second person, and in the nominative case making it the subject of the sentence. The next Greek word is the verb of the sentence. It is “eimi,” the second person, present, active, indicative. It is the verb translated “I am.” It is a state of being. The next two words are “ho halas” (the salt) and “ho phos” (the light). They are both nominative nouns used as subjective compliments. This means the salt and light are the same as the personal pronoun. They are equal! If one asks, “I am not salt nor light so what should I do?” The answer is not in doing more religious activities. Being salt and light are byproducts of intimacy with Jesus. It is what He makes you! You must focus on surrendering to Him, responding to Him, and embracing Him. This should not be difficult once you recognize your helplessness, “poor in spirit.” You do not accomplish salt and light; it is who you are in Him! I am a Jesus pusher!!!
“If the salt lose its flavor it is good for nothing”
Jesus is the flavor