I am a Jesus pusher!!! The Kingdom person does not want to be seen or tasted; we redeem every situation by filling it with His life. The seemingly evil circumstance becomes an opportunity for good, the demonstration of His life. Those of the persecuting world flow with hate; Kingdom people respond with His love. Those who would destroy everything around them experience the creative life of the Kingdom of Heaven. The constant negative is saturated with the constant positive. The low and debase is always elevated to the high and lofty. Revenge and lack of forgiveness are overshadowed by grace and mercy. Congratulations! The Beatitudes are a manifested in our physical world. We “are the salt of the earth.”
All Jesus invades all we are. In this oneness of His presence we become the Kingdom of Heaven, not contained in performance or accomplishments, but in His presence. We have profound influence on our physical world. Our physical world is under the curse of sin and is dominated by the self-centeredness of men under the curse of sin. In Jesus, we have come to death; it is death to all we are in self-focus. We are not self-sourced, but Christ-sourced. Our physical world with all of its circumstances experiences the death of Christ in us and manifests the life of Christ to them. Our purpose is not self-centered. We do not design that everyone will taste like salt. We are used to bring every physical circumstance to the display of His glory. We lose our lives that He might live. We participate in the redemption of our world. What a privilege! We “are the salt of the earth!” I am a Jesus pusher!!!