I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus used saltas a parable (Matthew 5:13). Being salt is being the beatitudes. As the beatitudes give content to salt, so salt gives content to the beatitudes. It there was any tendency to think of working, earning, or meriting the Kingdom of Heaven, the salt imagery eliminates it. Salt and light dwell in a state of being. Mercy is not something we attempt to merit or extend; mercy is a natural result of the embrace of Jesus. “Peacemaking” is not a skill we master; it is an inner condition of the soul resulting from Jesus’ presence. We are not really salt; we are the presence of Jesus, the sourcing of Christ, manifested in and influencing our world. We must not view our verse physiologically but spiritually.
Jesus begins with a proposition. “You are the salt of the earth.” Then He reveals to us the content of this statement. As with all parables, it is tempting to add our own thinking and understanding to what Jesus said. We can easily go way beyond what Jesus intended. We must come under the discipline of the Spirit and stay in the limits of the passage. The Trinity God’s focus is that we merge with Jesus. Therefore, in the merger with Jesus we know the fulfillment of God’s dreams for us. Our focus has to be on Jesus. We must live within the boundaries of His presence, be filled with the fullness of His nature, and allow Him to source our expressions. “Be in Jesus” is His message. I am a Jesus pusher!!!