I am a Jesus pusher!!! “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men” (Matthew 5:13).The Greek word “ballo,” translated “to be thrown out,” is in the present tense. In the Greek language, it means now with continual action. There is a consistency to this action. Every time the writer uses this Greek word in the New Testament, it has the tone of impulsive. In other words, there is no plan or thought process involved. No one is plotting against us. It is a simple reaction to something that has no value. The Greek word “exo,” translated “out,” is equally impressive. It is not just “out” but contrasted to being “in.” It does not merely describe a location of where one is, but we must see the position of “out” in light of being “in.” There is an emphasis on separation. He is “out,” which means, separated from all that is in the Beatitudes.
The Greek word “katapateo,” translated “and trampled underfoot,” is powerful. “Kata” is added to the main word for intensity. “Pateo” means “to tread.” However, it is trampling with intention and indicates scorn or to despise. There was no anger, condemnation, or even judgment regarding the Greek word “ballo,” translated “to be thrown out.” Jesus is merely saying He fills the helpless one with His Spirit; he becomes the Kingdom in linkage with Him. This person will influence his world, but if he is not, then he is not a Kingdom person. The value of one who is helpless and is only sourced by his helplessness is nothing. His casting out is the only value he has; he will live among those who feel contempt for themselves. They bring destruction upon their own lives. Jesus must fill me. I am a Jesus pusher!!!