I am a Jesus pusher!!! “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Jesus brings us into the imagery He used for Himself. He begins with the second person pronoun, “humeis.” The verb also contains the second person pronoun, giving a double emphasis. One translator said it as, “You and you alone.” There seems to be an imperative in the undertone of this statement. The tone is not casual, indicating being the light is not something we can take or leave. “The light of the world” is a bold declaration of the Kingdom person. Jesus did not indicate that fifty or seventy-five percent of Kingdom people will be light. NO! One hundred percent of the Kingdom people “are the light of the world.” We cannot adjust, compromise, or rationalize what Jesus says. Jesus statement is emphatic!
We see the effects of “the light” in the following verse giving further explanation (Matthew 5:15). How ridiculous to light a lamp and place it under a bushel! The purpose of a lamp is to give light to the house. When we put the lamp on a lamp stand we help the lamp fulfill its purpose. There is no logical way to refute these statements. We dare not adjust, rationalize, or compromise Jesus statement that our position is “the light.” Do not ask, “How can I do light?” It is not the achievement of performance; it is the experience of a relationship! Jesus wants to fill me with His light. The same light expressed through Him will now be expressed through me, as I dwell in Him and He in me. I am a Jesus pusher!!!