I am a Jesus pusher! The author of the Book of Hebrews connects Jesus and the believer in the Fatherhood of God. He uses the phrase, “all of one” (Hebrews 2:11). They are three powerful words in their application to our lives. “All” (pas) refers to Jesus and the believer! “Of” (ek) denotes origin or source. “One” (heis) is the number pointing to the unity of Jesus and the believer. In other words, they are the same in life source. The origin of the believer (“born from above,” John 3:3) and the Man Jesus is God, the Father. The writer of the Book of Hebrews continues to state this, “for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren” (Hebrews 2:11). We are the brothers of Christ; we come from the same life source! God is our Father!
Jesus proposes this same reality in our passage (Matthew 5:16), which is the first time Matthew presents God as Father. Since we “are the light of the world,” it must be connected to “your Father in heaven.” He is the source of the light, which is who we are! The expression of our beings displays light into the world. It glorifies, gives a perspective of honor to our Father. “The Father imagery” receives its content from the Beatitudes. We are helpless, “poor in spirit.” His Divine Nature fills us; we become the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a picture of father and son. Allow this imagery to expand in your heart and mind! I am a four-year-old who is dependent upon my father. I know nothing about electric bills, food on the table, or transportation. He provides for me in ways I do not understand or know! I am helpless and loved by my Father! I am a Jesus pusher!