I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am not a Jesus pusher sometimes, once-in-a-while, or when I feel like it. I am a consistent Jesus pusher. Jesus is exclusive in my life. He is not one among several I am pushing. He is not just on my agenda; He is my agenda! He is not one of my priorities; He is my priority. Jesus is not my focus when it aids me or I have a need. I am mastered by Him. I am an exclusive Jesus pusher. I have no substitute for Him.
Do not consider this legalistic. Legalism has to do with law or rules. The Pharisees appeared to be very exclusive in their attitude concerning the law. Several times Jesus highlighted this difficulty (Matthew 23:3). Upon careful examination, the Pharisees were not exclusive about the law; they were exclusive about themselves (Matthew 23:5). They used the law for their own purposes. They would adjust, find loopholes, and highlight certain laws for their own personal convenience or benefit. If the Pharisees were exclusive, it was in their focus on themselves.
I am exclusive about Jesus who is not legalistic but relational. I am not concerned about meeting requirements, appearances, or traditions. My main goal is not to be right contrasted with wrong. There is only one focus; it is intimacy with Jesus. I do not want anything to distract or detour me from this obsession. He is so important to me; He is my life. Nothing can be allowed to interfere with His presence in my life. Everything is judged by how it affects this relationship. I do not have to elevate Him or defend Him in this position or priority. He is great enough to demand this focus in my life. Once I saw Him as He is, this focus became natural. I am abhorred at how long I focused on myself instead of Him. He has rescued me from myself. I am a Jesus pusher!!!