I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the great temptation, Jesus’ final statement to the devil was, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve,” (Matthew 4:10). Out of all the Scriptures Jesus could have quoted, He states one that highlights worship. In studying this concept of worship, I have been extremely disappointed. I could not find any instructions in the Scriptures on HOW to worship. Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” (John 4:24). There is more emphasis in the Old Testament on worship. Music is highlighted and a full body worship experience is also described. However, where are the detailed instructions on how to worship? Should we conclude it does not matter?
Worship is not contained within the activities of an “event.” Worship is found in the focus and attitude of the heart. Therefore, the physical activities or expression of the worship is not as important as the worship itself. Our tendency is to focus on the performance of the activities. At that moment the method of worship has become the object of our worship instead of Jesus. The central issue of worship is the inner action between the one who is worshipping and Jesus. Worship is stimulated by the intimacy between the worshipper and Jesus. It cannot be manufactured; true worship cannot be turned off and on. This means I have no right to criticize you for not worshipping. If you do not worship, it is because you have not been captured by Jesus. The issue is not how you perform but how intimate you are with Jesus. He has captured my heart and is the sole object of my worship. I have a single eye. He is the focus of my life. I am a Jesus pusher!!!