I am a Jesus pusher!!! He has not only consumed by heart; Jesus dominates my energy, time, and activities. In the hour of great temptation, the devil offered Jesus, “All these things I will give You, if You will fall down and worship me,” (Matthew 4:9). Jesus responded by quoting the Old Testament, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve,” (Matthew 4:10). Notice that physical activity is involved in both statements The Greek word (proskuneo) translated worship is used ninety times in the New Testament. Every time a physical action is connected with its usage. Notice the difference between the devil’s suggestion and Jesus’ response. The devil suggests the physical action prior to the worship; Jesus refers to the physical action as a result of the worship.
This was the central conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees in the New Testament. They gave little attention to the inner core of their lives; they focused their lives on the outside discipline of their laws. Jesus was the exact opposite. Jesus understood that worship and service are intertwined. Service is not something an individual decides to do or disciplines his life to accomplish. Service is an automatic result of worship. It is not strained or attempted. It is not duty or obligation. It is spirited delight. Jesus has consumed my life; activities which others call service are expressions of love; I count them as privileges. Duty is what I have to do; delight is what I get to do. I am in love; I cannot help myself. I am a Jesus pusher!!!