I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus establishes a pattern in these illustrations. He did not come to destroy the Scriptures (Matthew 5:17). The opposite happened in Jesus’ life. The Trinity God placed His nature in our world as a Book, the Scriptures, describing the core of God! Jesus, the Second Member of the Trinity, set aside all He had as God to become one of us. As a human being, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, God’s nature. Then Jesus stepped into the Scriptures, the nature of God, in submission to being shaped in His living. The nature of God in His being and written form produced the life of Jesus. He fulfilled every jot and title of the Scriptures.
He was unusual for the Old Covenant hour but not for the New Covenant day. The righteousness of the New Covenant people will exceed the righteousness of the best of the Old Covenant, the scribes and the Pharisees (Matthew 5:20). If they did not live up to the potential of the Old, they could never match the righteousness of the New! To illustrate this, Jesus said murder in the physical realm is now equated with hate in the spiritual realm (Matthew 5:21-26). Hate is spiritual murder, as real as physical death created by a physical man. If this is true of murder, how much more it must be true with adultery (Matthew 5:27-30). Lust in the spiritual realm is spiritual adultery, as certain as the physical adultery created by lust. We are to be filled with the Spirit of Jesus, embrace His Word, and let His nature mold our inner and outward lives to show who He is. Our sexuality must be determined by His nature, not by our body drives. This determination is not a call to sexual purity but to intimacy with Jesus. How often have we played the role of the harlot in the spiritual realm of our lives? We will know sexual purity only by our union with His nature! I am a Jesus pusher!!!