I am a Jesus pusher!!! The inner being of man linked with God’s nature, acting on the physical world, reveals the content of man’s inner being. Our physical body was never intended to dictate or control our actions but is a platform to display the inner heart. The physical body is not useless or unimportant but is vital to mankind’s eternal being. “Those of old” proposed, “You shall not commit adultery” (Matthew 5:23). Flirtations, emotional involvements, and lust were acceptable to them. After all, “who we are” is demonstrated in the acts of our flesh. We must curb and attempt to control our urges. But Jesus said, “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
This statement is ridiculous unless certain things are true. God created our sexuality, a natural element of our being. There is nothing wrong with sexual desire. The difficulty is in who is directing and determining the quality of this sexuality. The inner being of a person will determine the physical expression of their sexuality. When self controls my inner being, the motive of selfishness dominates and displays my sexuality. I will use others for self-gratification. Can I be filled with the Spirit of God? Jesus proposed a New Covenant where the inner being is filled with God’s nature. Can the Spirit of God possess my sexuality in redemptive power? Can my sexuality become the expression of my inner being filled with God’s nature? How can we know who is linked with our inner being? Our physical lives demonstrate that link! That is not an appeal to change your physical activity. We do not suggest a program for retraining your physical response to the stimuli of your physical world. Jesus calls us to link our inner being with His. He is our only hope! I am a Jesus pusher!!!