I am a Jesus pusher!!! “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5: 28). In this statement, Jesus gives a purpose clause, saying, “that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” This statement is based on the authority of the Person who fulfills every aspect of the Scriptures (Matthew 5:17). Jesus, filled with God’s nature, submitted His life to the shaping of God’s nature in the written Scriptures, which gave Him the proper insight. The main verb of the purpose clause is the Greek word “moicheuo,” translated as has committed adultery. The Greek word “blepo,” translated as looks, is a participle (a verb acting as an adjective). The verb gives content to the subject, whoever. This English word is a translation of “pas ho,” translated literally as “all the.” Who is the “all the?” It is “the looking on a woman” ones. The problem Jesus presented is not contained in looking on a woman. The problem is for what purpose a person looks! If the purpose is to “lust for her,” he “has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus said the heart determines the motive, which controls the purpose for “looking.” The problem is not in the “looking” but in the “heart.”
Jesus again brings us back to the central issue of the Sermon on the Mount. Unless we embrace our spiritual poverty (Matthew 5:3-4) and He fills us with His nature, we will continue to be sourced by our selfish, self-centered nature. The perspective of this nature sees everything for its benefit and pleasure. This nature is the opposite of the cross style, the perspective of God. God created us in spiritual poverty, our helplessness, to merge with God’s nature. He created us to be dependent, not independent. I must have Jesus! I am a Jesus pusher!!!