I am a Jesus pusher!!! But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5: 28). Our passage is not an intensified rule we are to obey. “Those of old” established their rule, “You shall not commit adultery” (Matthew 5:27). Jesus did not make a new set of rules in the New Covenant. The Kingdom person and those self-sourced look at a woman from different agendas. Jesus wants us merged with His divine heart to see with His perspective, revealing we are in the New Covenant. In the New Testament, there is not a new discipline to control my physical appetite or correct a body drive in me. I do not need to be motivated to protect my manhood. I now see myself as God sees me through His heart. “Turning the other cheek” becomes a possibility (Matthew 5:39). “Going the second mile” becomes a standard practice in my life (Matthew 5:41). Living without hate and anger becomes the state of my existence (Matthew 5:22). The nature of God fills my life and produces a new “look”!
Those sourced by self could not understand the parables Jesus told. Who can understand leaving ninety-nine sheep to risk your life for a stray sheep lost in a storm at midnight (Matthew 18:10-13)? Who can understand the payment plan of God’s heart? Jesus told of workers hired at various times throughout the day, some with only one hour of work while others toiled for the entire day. At the close of that day, the owner paid everyone the same wage (Matthew 20:1-16)! Does that make any sense? That payment plan makes sense only to those sourced by God’s nature and see with His eyes. Being filled with God’s nature and seeing with His eyes is the cry of Jesus! Will you allow God to source your sexuality by His nature? I am a Jesus pusher!!!