I am a Jesus pusher!!! God completed man’s sexuality by creating woman. Adam’s response to God’s gift was astounding. He said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23). The Hebrew word “etsem,” translated as “bone,” means of “substance or self.” “Bone of my bones” can be translated as “self of myself.” Adam referred to this new aspect of his sexuality as “Woman,” his reason for this title was, “Because she was taken out of Man.” He was saying, “She is me!” This statement is a reference to God’s intended relationship of sexuality, and the depth of this relationship is revealed in the following statement. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). “Therefore” means that what has been spoken is the basis for what is going to be said. Based on the purpose and method of Eve’s creation, a man and a woman will be joined (glued or welded) together as “one flesh.” God’s intent for creating woman was not to separate her from man! God never intended for male and female to be at odds, separated, or warring. His intent was that man and woman together are one! The purpose of her creation was a continuation of oneness.
Self-centeredness contained in our sinful nature has perverted the “purpose!” Can it be restored? It must be! The sacrifice contained in Jesus is adequate to forgive and restore us in our nature. Jesus proposes embracing our helplessness so that He might merge with us and our nature would be His as He intended. I am not adequate, which is an expression of my helplessness. I need Jesus! I am a Jesus pusher!!!