I am a Jesus pusher!!! There is a progression in the biblical creation account of woman. God took the woman from the body of man. Man breaks forth with a description of who she is. He proclaims, “She is me!” The biblical statement about marriage is, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). God clearly defined this statement based on the method of woman’s creation, the reaction of man to woman’s creation, and the purpose of her creation, God’s intent for marriage. God made this statement in Genesis before there were “father and mother” to leave. He clearly stated His dream and purpose for the oneness to occur in sexuality.
Then Adam and Eve sinned, altering mankind’s nature! The sin was not a deed of sin that could be forgiven and forgotten. Sin changed the nature affecting the “looking” of man. They did not think in terms of unity, giving their lives to each other, but they became divided, using each other for personal benefit. Sexuality became self-serving, causing man and woman to be unglued, separated, and selfish, bringing the tragedy of divorce. Let us look again at our passage (Matthew 5:28). This passage is not Jesus’ new commandment as the New Covenant approach to sexuality. His attention is on the problem in the nature of humanity. We do not “look” at each other correctly because our perspective comes from a changed nature. Jesus died to restore us to our previous condition, God’s nature indwelling and filtering through our sexuality. He calls us to God’s original plan of sexuality! I am a Jesus pusher!!!