I am a Jesus pusher!!! The physical expression of sexuality in the biblical language (Greek) is “ginosko,” translated as “to know” (Matthew 1:25). This word is the strongest Greek word for intimacy, relationship, and oneness on the highest spiritual level. The expression of sexuality in the physical realm is the welding of two spiritual lives into one. All other expressions are a perverted demonstration of an inner soul focused on self. “Looking” is not the problem; Jesus calls for a heart change. Marriage has become a means to use our spouse for personal benefit and satisfaction instead of giving one’s self to the other in oneness.
Our passage is also a shift in POSSESSION (Matthew 5:28). The Greek word “epithymeo,” translated as “lust,” is the same Greek word translated as “covet.” You shall not commit adultery” is the seventh of the Ten Commandments. The tenth commandment is, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s” (Exodus 20:17). If I covet or lust after my neighbor’s house, I desire to take it from him, claim it as mine, and possess it for myself. In this act, I become a thief! In the spiritual world, I am stealing my neighbor’s house. Now bring this truth to our passage. God intended for our sexuality to be intimate, share one flesh, and know another by giving one to the other. When my sinful nature drives my sexuality, I become a thief. Additionally, in the spiritual realm, I steal what is not rightfully mine from the woman herself. I rob from her what is not mine to possess. I do not give; I take. My self-centered nature becomes a cancer devouring others for my benefit. I am a spiritual thief. Jesus alone can save me from this. I am a Jesus pusher!!!