I am a Jesus pusher!!! Everyone is religious; it is a universal fact. Sociologists discover worship of a higher power in every tribe or group of people however isolated. There may be some atheists in our time. However, they are the result of several generations of religious men experiencing comfort and stability. These religious men eliminated God because they had no need of Him. There are no atheists in the pagan world. Religion is man’s search for God. How can I get His attention, manipulate Him, and secure what I need?
But Christianity has an entirely different focus! It is God’s search for man. God has initiated contact with us. We did not manipulate, perform, or merit His attention. He has searched and found us. His nature has demanded His involvement. Redemption is not a “pet project.” He is not attempting an experiment. Redemption is driven by His nature. He is expressing Himself. The final and complete expression of Himself is Jesus. Jesus is God searching for us! He is the good Shepherd who is risking Himself for one lost sheep (Luke 15)1-7). He is the woman searching for the lost coin (Luke 15:8-10). He is the Father who is longing for His prodigal son to return (Luke 15:11-32). If He desired revenge He would have already eliminated us. If He delighted in punishment, we would already be in hell. His nature drove Him to the cross, the ultimate sacrifice of redemption. His nature is selfless love. Jesus is the full expression of this love for you. Everything you are looking for is contained in an intimate relationship with Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!