I am a Jesus pusher!!! God’s desperate search for man demanded that He become one of us! He did not dress up in human flesh as a fake man; He was not play acting. He really did become one of us. In order to do this, He had to eliminate all of His God-abilities (omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence). He became all Adam was in the original creation. God gave up all He HAD as God; He did not give up what He IS as God. As a man, He was filled with the Spirit of God (Matthew 3:13-17). Sourced by the Spirit of God He became the demonstration of the very image of God. He is the first man to experience this since Adam and Eve. God was in Jesus sourcing His life, His death, and His resurrection (Acts 2:22-24). This would reverse everything mankind lost in the original sin of man. Jesus would be exalted to the right hand of the Father (Acts 2:33). The Father would give Him the Promise which is now poured out (Acts 2:33). You and I can enter into the same intimate relationship with God Jesus had; we can be sourced by the Father. The same nature of God living in Jesus can now live in us! Jesus was the individual used by God to accomplish this! He is God who made the sacrifice to become man!
My life melts in the awareness of such a sacrifice. I am driven to love in the expression of forgiveness now offered. My fears are gone; I have no desire to hide. These facts mean acceptance and change for my life. No wonder I am a Jesus pusher!!!