I am a Jesus pusher!!! Peter’s concluding statement of the explanation of Pentecost acknowledged the Lordship of Christ. His insight stated, “God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ,” (Acts 2:36). This word was used in a variety of ways in Peter’s culture. It was connected with royalty. Many of the emperors adapted the term “Lord” as their title. It was applied to the possession or ownership of something or someone. Even in this passage there is a progression in this Lordship. He became Lord! It is the sovereign authority of the Owner of all things (God, the Father) who has bestowed upon Jesus the ownership of the Kingdom of God.
He is not the owner because He is God (although He is). He is owner of the Kingdom because He is a man sourced by the Spirit of God. It was through this Spirit-sourced Man that life, death, resurrection, and ascension took place. The Father sourced the Kingdom through Jesus and now has made Him King, owner. He is not against me, but is coming to me sourced by the Spirit having made a way for me. He owns the Kingdom and invites me to enter. I am free to participate in the Spirit, the nature of the Kingdom. The Jews to whom Peter was preaching viewed Jesus as a criminal; they crucified Him. God views Jesus as Lord. Peter is calling them to change their view; they can enter the Kingdom. Perhaps it is better to state that the Kingdom can enter them. We can be filled with Him, the Lord of the Kingdom. No wonder I am a Jesus pusher!!!